The Winners Continue To Grow At Bovada Casino

Bovada Casino
The flush is on at Bovada Casino. Occurring on extremely rare situations, the royal flush, when it does happen, it is a sight to behold, and what a sight it was when the Royal Flush happened this past weekend, through the honed skills of Douglas P, from Georgia. Douglas made magic with the elusive royal flush by playing the popular poker game, Let ‘em Ride, a one person game that calculates wins on hands that feature pairs of tens. Armed with three hole cards, and raising ten dollars, Douglas acquired a community card, and in the ensuing rounds, the final card to complete his royal flush, fell his way. All in addition to the $90k progressive jackpot, Douglas walked away with more than $110k. And just in case you are curious, the jackpot for Let ‘Em Ride ad Bovada Casino is over $13k now.